
New world demands better logistics firms.

Posted on November 4, 2023

The economy today is reliant on stable logistics and supply chain systems that allow the seamless flow of goods, capital, services, and people. As we recently saw during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown, the countries’ economies are now more intertwined than ever. A shock in the transport system in one part of the world has far […]

Importing Into Rwanda: Why Mikumi Freight Forwarders Is Your Ideal Partner

Posted on November 4, 2023

If you are planning to import goods into Rwanda, you need to choose a reliable clearing and forwarding company that can handle all aspects of the shipping process, including customs clearance, transportation, and delivery. Mikumi Freight Forwarders Limited (MFFL) is an ideal partner for importing into Rwanda due to its expertise in East African customs […]

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